Monday, April 6, 2009

Cindy's current mental state. Is she freaking yet?!

The answer? Not at all.

I am not sure why, but I am just not stressing over all of this. It is what it is. During my googling, coming across blogs like this one, I've read grown men saying that they cried for hours. Not me. For some reason, I've been dealt these cards and I will get through it. I am putting lots of faith in the fact that I am a healthy person and I take good care of myself (unless hockey is on TV and then it ends up being beer and pizza....shhhhh!) and that I will try to continue to work out and stay active and eat healthy through all of the chemo. Sure, I am probably going to be super sick at times and dead tired, but I am going to do my best to suck it up and at least get outside and go for walks during those times. Of course, I say this now. It could all change after my first chemo experience.

I've psycho-analyzed myself and have diagnosed myself as "living in a bubble of delusion". That's ok though. I am very happy there and it is working for me. Should the bubble burst, I'll deal with that when it happens. But for now....I am still the same me. And that is something that I hope my family and friends can depend on to get them through their worries :) After all, isn't attitude half the battle?


  1. My sister rocks! Everything will be fine and we'll have a great time this weekend. The cousins will be fine too - remember, you've had a few months of dealing this this crazy shit and it's all new for us. It's always good when you have rocks supporting you.

  2. Hi Cindy,
    Wow you certainly have a great attitude. That will make a huge difference in your recovery. Bill and I will be keeping you in our prayers for strength, endurance and peace of mind, and of course a quick recovery.

    All our love
