Monday, April 6, 2009

Hematology and CT scans and blood tests, OH MY!

So, the day is March 31st and it is finally time to meet with the Hematologist. Todd and I were really looking forward to this part because we could finally get some details and answers about what was going to happen next. For me, waiting has been the most annoying part of this whole thing!

Since I don't yet know the stage of the cancer, I had to have a CT scan and for this I had to fast for 4 hours before the scan. The appointment was going to last around 2 hours, so this means I couldn't eat for around 7 hours by time we got out of the hospital and to a restaurant. Let me tell you....I was ready to eat the magazines in the CT scan waiting room. Poor Todd....every 5 or 10 minutes with me whining "I'm huuuuuungry.....uuuuuhhhhh"!

After both the Hematologist, the CT scan and the blood work appointments we finally left the hospital. I had a cotton ball taped to each arm from needles, and therefore had a hard time bending them, and 7 hours worth of hunger built up so we went and pigged out. It was a bad scene :) I felt bad for all women and children in the vicinity of our table!!!

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